HAIRPANE!!! momma, momma nudder one hairpane!!
(sidenote: in this pic, addi was still 2)
the flight there: um, well, let's see. it was ... fair. the girls slept ... about 1/2 hr. each ... at different times. gwen had a bit of a cough that kept waking her up, bummer.
we had a 3 hr. layover in maui and we were h u n g r y so we grabbed some lunch. get this folks: $40 for 3 sandwiches and 2 drinks. whoa... i seriously just don't recommend the maui airport for your next dining accommodations. seriously.
we got to portland late at night. WAY nice - girls just fell asleep in the car on the way home. then we spent the night at grandma and grandpa's house in albany by OSU where grandpa works, then off to the beach house on the coast where the boys flew more airplanes.

this was a DIY plane. you throw it with gusto. it flies in the gust-O.
it broke it's wing on the first day.
so then they glued it back together and it kept on flying.
i just hope delta doesn't do the same thing.

but this guy, he was a step up. he went vroom vroom.
and case was a m a z i n g at flying it!
he did loops and dive bombs ... the whole beach was watching.
the landing gear broke the first day.
it was a last ditch effort, he said. save the plane or save the kids (from the plane).
i'm glad he chose the kids.
they glued it back together and voila, good as new!
then it had a water landing ...
so they baked it in the sun and it dried.
viola, good as new!
seriously, give boys remote controlled anything and they're set for life.
even remote controlled television seem to work ok.
somehow we were the fortunate and blessed ones (read: bless-ed, just cause i like the way it sounds) to get to take the vroom vroom edition home with us. yep, it will be arriving with our POD sept. 15.
the flight home (no pics ... sorry)
the second we walk on the plane, the guy in the seat in front of our row rolls his head/eyes at the girls. but just in case we didn't see it, he leans his seat back in throws his balding head between the seat cracks, "so they're good travellers, right?"
i looked at case. he looked at me. then we looked at the girls ...
3 yrs. and 16 mos.
"Oh yeah, sure, they're great! We've done this before." i said confidently and swiftly.
then gwen started screaming, as if cued by some unseen stagehand.
the guy rolled his eyes and returned to his section of seating.
the whole flight, every time they peeped, he leaned back and checked on us, eyes rolling. but luckily the seat to the left ordered about four vodkas each and they were quite pleasant and helpful, handing us pacifiers that had fallen by the wayside, reassuring us that their grandkids were just as crazy, etc.
and then we were home. and it was pleasantly humid. and the fridge was empty.
RUDE plane guy! Whatever! Yay for the drunk plane riders who helped out! Can't wait to see more pictures!
Plane rides are rough! I wish there were more room for running! Glad you guys had a good trip and that you made it home safely.
i always worry about the plane rides, but then we survive them and it's all good on land again.
we go to albany every time we're in oregon, doug's mom grew up there and that's where her parents still reside.
looks like a fun day of plane-flying and crashing.
Haha! I can't stand people like that on airplanes!!
Wow. Not looking forward to the plane ride myself. I hope there's some rude jerks on our flight to annoy!
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