yes. it was cold.

but we still went to the beach e v e r y d a y.
and addi swam at the freezing cold beach e v e r y d a y.

the cousins were there too ...

and little gwenner basically played with her zipper for two hours straight.

when you're at the beach, this is never a good thing to see...

yep. she was running around butt naked eating her little bag of goldfish.
that's addi.
the grandparents had a blast playing with the kiddos.

and we found these HUGE jellyfishes laying all along the beach!

and of course we flew airplanes...

then cleaned up and headed home.

what i liked about the oregon beaches is they go f o r e v e r . so much sand for the girls to run and play, nice shallow water, no waves ... did i mention it was freezing? yah, it was freezing. the water was seriously straight-from-the-fridge temperatue. i don't know how addi did it without going into hypothermic shock ... seriously.
the first time i thought, "oh, she didn't realize how cold it would be, next time she'll know better." the second time i figured maybe she had forgotten. but then the third and fourth and fifth times ... yah, addi likes water. in any form, or temperature.
and gwen likes sand, so it worked out pretty sweet for everybody.
coming soon: Oregon Glass
Beautiful photos Stefani!
It LOOKS cold there! I'm glad addi still enjoyed it! (and didn't get hypothermia!!)
It's funny to me that Gwen had an entire beach to play at and was happy with just her zipper! She looks SO grown up in the picture of her from behind walking away. - I love it!
Love it all!!!
Your girls are adorable. I love addi's drive for adventure, and Gwen's contempt spirit. They are so cute.
YES the Oregon beaches are COLD. I just can't wait to get back to Hawaii's beaches.
I have a love/hate relationship with the Oregon coast. Seriously!! Hate the freezing cold...water and weather, but I love the coast. I love the scenery and basica everything about it.
I am glad to see and read that you had fun!!
love it, you inspire me to put up some pictures!
i am so in love with that pic of the 2 girls in their stripped sweaters playing in the sand. that picture is golden.
i am so in love with that pic of the 2 girls in their stripped sweaters playing in the sand. that picture is golden.
Stef, Thanks for commenting twice on my blog. I need more comments anyhow. :-) As for yours, you always amaze me with your photos. You should consider a photography business. You and your girls are too beautiful. I love the pic of Addi's pants in the sand. I can imagine the shrug and "oh well" as you found them. I love being a mom. Miss you guys.
how gorgeous. i just love oregon and ive barely been there a couple of times, but i just love it and we actually hope to maybe live there one day so this made me excited!
We used to go to the Oregon coast when I was growing up and it was always so cold and yet we always got in the water for some crazy reason. I guess that's just what kids do. I would never get in nowadays. :) Its so beautiful there though. I would love to live on the coast.
love the pretty pics! I love the one of addi's pants - priceless! and holy cow that jelly is huge! you are fab!
Great pictures and the cutest family! We recently went to the Oregon coast too and I loved it!
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