i suppose boiled ginger root is in fact herbal tea.
there are a lot of herbal teas out there. arizona has an entire line of them. i guess they're pretty yummy. it seems like every 1 in 5 people is drinking their green tea.

as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints aka mormon, we don't drink tea, or coffee or alcohol... to quote the scipture,
"And, again, strong drinks are not for the belly, but for the washing of your bodies. And again, tobacco is not for the body, neither for the belly, and is not good for man, but is an herb for bruises and all sick cattle, to be used with judgment and skill. And again, hot drinks are not for the body or belly. And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man—Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving. (Doctrine and Covenants 89:7-11)"
so, taking those scripture into consideration, i pose a question:
is herbal tea ok?
and if they are ok, is it only ok if you boil your own, or are store-bought herbal teas acceptable as well?
(side note: yes, this is an opinion question. yes, it's up to you and it's personal preference. that's why i'm asking your personal opinion/preference. so answering in a manner such as, "well, really, it's personal preference" would be less effective.)
i eagerly await your responses!
I was always told that herbal teas are okay, because they don't have the high caffeine content that regular teas have.
Another way of telling, do they alter you in a bad way? (Like Caffeinated drinks you get the high and then the crash)
Then there's always the saying "when in doubt, don't."
Something to think about.
I actually read an article on that once but I think you are correct that the general concensus is, it's personal. Our family grew up drinking it so I think it's fine. If I remember correctly the point of the article is that we don't know what all the different types of herbs do yet so we need to use discretion but, for example, crushed mint leaves and hot water constitutes "herbal tea" and there is obviously nothing wrong with that so you just need to be aware of what kinds you're drinking.
I think herbal teas are fine and great as long as their is no caffenie. I drink them all the time because work has a nifty machine that makes yummy lemon citrus herbal teas. To me it is just hot water with some spices in it.
I drank them growing up too! The non-caffeinated strickly herbal celestial seasonings . You know, lemon, chamomile, peppermint, mint, spearamint, sleepytime tea, and all the yummy teas that taste better with a few table spoons of sugar... but that's just my opinion. Mike always makes fun of me cause sleepy time tea never works for me. (Probably because of said sugar)
My dad told us to stay away from green tea though.
I agree with the first comment. Do they alter you in a bad way?? are you ADDICTED to it???
It's a personal choice!
i think herbal teas are ok, caffeine-free, of course. and free of any illegal substances, too. i like the lipton decaffeinated ones, and the celestial seasonings. and boiling ginger root or lemon grass and making your own is the best! with some honey!
i love herbal teas. i think they are totally fine.
homemade lemongrass is delicious.
and i love peppermint tea at christmas time.
herbal, caffeine-free= ok! (LOVE THEM!)
green tea= nope. although i wish, because supposedly it is SO good for you, but so is water so drink that. haha!
I grew up on all kind of teas! So when I became a member this not drinking it all the time was an issue. I was told by someone ( I don't remember the source) that herbal tea was fine (caffeinated or not because that is not in the scriptures just up for debate) They did say that green tea had tannic acid in it and it's the astringent agent used in leather tanning. So that is one reason to not drink it since it is reeking havoc on your insides! So I say go for it, herbal tea is wonderful even if it is just in our minds that it is making us better. :)
actually my bishop once told me that the bad part about any type of herbal tea, is the black tea part because of it's high caffeine content. So just to drink teas that don't have black tea in the ingredient list. True? I dunno, but that is the rule of thumb that I go by.
According to my interpretation they are here for us to use but with "prudence and thanksgiving".
But chocolate (among other things) has caffeine in it and we still eat that, so my thinking is that it's something else added upon the fact that it's high in caffeine.
Also we drink hot chocolate, which is in fact HOT, so what's the difference in that hot drink? Why is it not generally included in the hot drink category?
I wonder about the chocolate thing and hot chocolate thing from time to time myself. But i have always had herbal tea as long as it doesn't contain black tea or green tea. Chai tea is my favorite...but that was pre-good mormon days. ;-)
I grew up having herbal tea when we were sick - when you need a little hotness to loosen things up. So because I drink it when I'm sick, I'm not all that fond of it. But I think it's fine to drink the non-caffeinated kind and yours doesn't sounds too bad :)
I think herbal tea is the most disgusting thin in the world. I would never drink it. I tried it once and was, obviously, not very impressed.
With that said...I think the WOW is partially up for interpretation (personally)...lookk at the "eat meat sparingly, and in times of winter" clause. The eating of red meat actually increases you body temperature...Not something you necessarilly want on a hot day...And then the question, what is sparingly? Once a day, week, month, year...I think that is between you and the Lord.
I have heard the "tannic acid" thing as well. Does the tea you are drinking have that in it. Is you tea addictive? Do you need to have it?
I think that is where chocolat can be bad...Are we addicted. I really think that is the whole point of the WOW...Keeping our body from being dependent on other substances, and becoming in control of our own bodies and really becoming a "spiritual being."
Wow...that was a lot. Sorry fro all the spelling errors...good luck!
I would just stay away because of the NASTINESS!!
I think herbal teas are fine as long as there's no caffine in them and you drink them in moderation. Personally, I don't drink green tea though...
I drink herbal tea cause I like it. But, I really have no idea if it's ok or not. It's all pretty confusing to me. Some hot drinks are not ok. Some caffeine is not ok. Who knows...but I'll just keep drinking it until I hear otherwise because it sure is tasty.
I am confused by this too! My mom used to have us drink herbal tea when we were sick or couldn't sleep....but as far as the cold ones I just am not sure! I do know I would feel weird walking into a church activity with green tea in my hand, but I don't necessarily think it is wrong. Actually I don't think it's "wrong" at all, it's just a weird area. I do love some of those cold teas though...and they are way better for you then a huge diet coke (which I love also) so I can't imagine it being wrong. Who knows and im glad you asked the question, all those comments made me feel better.
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