we have one of those european beds (read: ikea)and need to get a mattress this weekend. no box spring, just a mattress. we're definitely not mattress experts, basically have absolutely no idea what the difference is between assorted mattresses.
enter: you. i'm sure one of y'all out there has an educated opinion on the matter. should we go with a euro top mattress or a memory foam mattress??
I would say euro top. We had a memory foam topper when we lived in Hawaii and it doesn't "breath" very well in that hot, humid weather. Just my opinion.
I am, and, it seems, always will be, a big fan of the memory foam. We have it here and it is WONDERFUL!!
We only have tried Memory foam...and L O V E it. I've never ever heard of euro top
We don't have either . BUT I did research before buying ours... Memory Foam doesn't breathe well and can insulate heat, which can be good if you're cold-natured. The important thing to look for is whether or not it's "zoned" and has pocketed coils. "Zoned" means you don't have to flip it or turn it. It's designed to give more/less support for the heavier/lighter body parts (hips, knees, etc). Pocketed coils can mean the difference in feeling your husband get out of bed and not. I prefer NOT. This means the mattress doesn't move-like the commercial with the wine glass on the mattress and it doesn't spill.
Anyway, wow- long comment. Good luck and I hope you find what you're looking for!
I have no idea. All I know about mattresses is what I know about ours: I think it's a pillow top, we never have to flip it, I can't feel Nathan rolling over in bed and getting out of bed and all that, it's a Simmons Beauty Rest and it was expensive. HA! So good luck in your endeavor and I know you are so glad I gave you all that pointless info on MY mattress and did NOT help you in YOUR search!
We have a memory foam which I absolutely love although you do need to do some research because they are not all created equal. I have heard that comment about them being warmer but even sleeping with a down comforter like we do, I've never noticed a problem. Of course, we crank down our air at night because we like to be cozy so that could be why. ;)
i dont know the difference between breath and breathe by the way. :) I'm still trying to figure it out.
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