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17 November 2009

i think i might have failed to mention...

i like to take pictures.

of people.
and other things.
mostly people.

so i decided to do it more frequently.

and tag on some extrinsic motivation (AKA money).

check it out here.


Anonymous said...

wow. I knew you where a good photographer, but wow! You're ten times better than i first expected. Would you fly to Washington to take our pictures? hehehe


Anna K. said...

Your pictures are awesome! If we were there right now I would TOTALLY have you take our pictures!

Trevor and Lauren said...

Great job stef, you never cease to amaze me!

Kristi said...

You are 10 million times better the photographer than I will EVER be. I look at your pictures, the cretivity involved and I'm just in awe. Thank you for sharing your talent. I look to you for inspiration in my shoots! Good JOB!