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20 November 2009

yes, i did...

attend the midnight showing of new moon, that is.

wearing a T-shirt i painted the night before.

my shirt has a little j there on the back, just in case you don't have a magnifying glass handy

and i might have worn a wolf head too.

because yes, jacob was the better choice. (little known fact)

(hmm, i wonder what liko's dreaming of...)

basically it was a blast. and i wanna go again... now.


liko said...

ha! i wonder what i'm dreaming of, too.

Jami said...

Nice, looks like a par.tay. I was a little sceptical but I heard it was really good!

rachele and jordan said...

That wolf head is hilarious!

Erin said...

im glad you rooted for jacob! he has always been my root, and ilooove hillary's shirt! hillarious. where did you get that wolf head?"!

Kristi said...

I'm reeeal jealous! I still haven't seen the movie. :( Maybe someday...

The wolf head is super friggin' funny. I'm pretty much a closet Team Jacob-er. I don't talk about it for fear of being shunned. ;)

Looked like a blast.