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17 December 2009

for layla, mostly. (yes, you)

i give to you, the whiteboard.

my whiteboard

i feel passionately about my whiteboard.

those of you that know me know that i'm an organization freak. there are spaces in my home that are still not organized from the move (bathroom closet, hall closet ... you know, now that i think about it, ALL closets) and each of them bug me in their own little way. i just sigh and say, "in time. in time..."

but my whiteboard, my glorious whiteboard keeps my time and life organized (along with my iPhone calendar reminders). and i even convinced my husband that it was worth piercing our perfect cabinetry to hang said whiteboard. (really, i never thought that would happen.)

the top section is my day-to-day. chores are listed first, then errands, appts. fotoshoots, activities with the girls, etc. in no particular order.
my whiteboard

the middle-left section is the weekly to-do list. i take this list then micro-manage it into the aforementioned daily to-dos, and viola! sunday can be restful.
my whiteboard
right-middle the weekly meal planning. and yes, i follow it. (meaning if i cook, that's what i cook... if i cook.)

my whiteboard

i used to use the bottom space, but the girls can reach it. so then i would get mad at them for erasing my well-planned bottom space, and it really wasn't worth it. so now the bottom space is blank (and they can still erase the middle space with their tiny little fingertips, hence the random colored letters in the meal-planning section). when i did use it though, it was another M - Sat. planner section... i think for foto shoots and casey's service project schedule. (what? a service project schedule?? yah, he's always building something for someone... he's like Bob the Builder, only better... Casey the Carpenter!!)

so that's it folks... my whiteboard. i highly recommend a well-organized, and often-used whiteboard for all families. go get yours today!!


The Candlands said...

For shizzle sista, we are so alike it's insane!

Anonymous said...

wow! you completely
made my day.. and it
needed making.

i love it!

so good to have
everything laid
out so that you
can see it all
at once.

that would be so
good for our house.

i almost have to
tell stephen what
i'm doing that day
or it doesn't often
get done. i need the

thank you so much stef!
if i could send you a
christmas gift or a thank
you note, i would! or a
plate of christmas
cookies but after looking
at your menu, i bet your
cookies are far superior
to mine. steak & potatoes!
wow! my poor husband only
gets those at dennys :)

Kimbur said...

I love it! I have a similar one, but mine is covered with a family calendar, adelle's school reminders, notepad for my lists. (i'm a crazy list writer) speaking of which I should go look at my to do list right now and get back to work!

Lauren said...

I really really really want to make one

liko said...

growing up, we had one right in the front room, visible from the front door. i loved it!!

Noelle said...

That is awesome! We're going to have to start that because I hate when we forget something important!

Megan said...

I feel white board envy. You've inspired me.

Erin said...

a girl after my own heart.
i have the same thing going on at my house
it's a crazy obsession with being organized!

Meg said...

What a good idea!!! I've been trying to figure out where I would put my white board ever since reading this... I love it!

"Love or Perish" - W. H. Auden said...

OMG I NEED ONE OF THESE, i am the DISORGANIZED QUEEN. heeeeeeeeelp! and my my, those entrees sound delish!!!