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29 December 2009

squeezing it all into 1 post

yah, i'd like to be more wordy, but here's the deal.
a lot of Christmas festivities happened.
{note: is there anyone else out there that thanks of "festivus" every time they hear the word "festivities" anyone... anyone ??}
and i don't have time to be wordy.

'cause new years is creeping up, and i have half-a-dozen other posts on back-log
like how my piano just got gutted and reassembled
and is dying.
yes, pianos die. or at least their parts do. kind of like cars. or anything else mechanical.

but i digress.

*** C H R I S T M A S ***

i give to you an onslaught of pictures
with practically no letters {read: words}.

gingerbread house destruction


tree skirt creation
i made this

tradition #1: make a nativity while reading Luke 2.
gwen was incredibly attached to the baby Jesus. we kept saying that he needed to go night-night. she kept saying, "no. Jesus." then kissing and cuddling and rocking him.

it was really cute.
MY baby jesus
thanks meg thomander for making these adorable dolls as baby shower party favors FOREVER ago. my girls are hooked!
and they make a perfect baby Jesus.

tradition #2: new PJs
pj time

tradition #3: Christmas eve dinner. it was good. and gone. hence, no pics.

stockings & presents
(all the stocking action is on video. and really, i don't think you want to watch those 10 minutes of toothbrushes, clementines, chocolate galore, and noise-making farm animal dolls.)


after all the jubilation of presents we had Christmas dinner, round 2, then nap time.
oh.sweet.glory that is nap time.

after sugarplum, fairy-dancing dreams were dreamt, we went flying.

plane prison

wow, that's big


family fly

and with that,
Merry Holiday Folks!


Erin said...

what a great christmas! can i say that even I'm jealous of the girls new kitchen to play with! that is awesome!!! and i loooved your christmas card and how you wrote something personal...made me feel so special!

liko said...

great traditions!! i think i need to start implementing Christmas pajamas because i got a ton of pictures of faith just in her undies Christmas morning...not very appropriate...

Rhitzclan said...

Looks like fun was had by all!

daisy deb said...

happy've upgraded the plane....looks like fun!

m.estelle said...

first of all, your babies are BE U TI FUL. second, christmas at your house looks like a blast. and third, that tree skirt is adorable.
the end.

Lynn said...

wow! absolutely love that red couch! and the tree skirt is awesome! looks like Christmas was lots of fun at your house; glad you included the jesus story. it must be terribly hard not having snow at Christmas. not!!! i miss that little-girl soft hair at my house...