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07 January 2010


heaven has gained an angel today. Gavin David Bruce Norton. only 2 months old.
when i received the news my heart dropped to my toes and i cried. i haven't stopped crying. i buried my head in gwen's fluffy hair and squeezed her so tight... i kissed addi's face over and over, so grateful to see it another day. so grateful to know nat will see gavin's face... both of her gavins. but so overhwelmed with sorry for her grief...

grief is hard for me to put into words... and grief from loss, from death, is so poignant.
maybe it's like love.
because when you really love someone, the word "love" just doesn't cut it.
and when you lose someone you love, the words
they don't really cut it either.

i had never really had anyone close to me die before this year. my grandmother passed away in june, then a few short weeks later my uncle bobby, her son, passed away too. and now little gavin... little baby gavin. i had caressed his air-soft cheeks. had kissed them. i had stroked his nose, smelled his hair. put my pinky in the palm of his tiny hands...
i watched his exhausted momma juggle life with 4 boys.
4 boys.
now 3...
and thank God, truly and literally, for those 3. those beautiful faces...

i know the gospel is true. i know that families are eternal. i know she will hold her baby Gavin again...
but until then, my heart sure is breaking for a dear friend and mother.

please continue to pray for Natalie and Richie Norton and their dear little family...
their fight for wellness is not over.

for cards, condolences, etc.
The Norton Family
55-691 Wahinepe'e Street
Laie, HI 96762

all images copyright


Little Family Fun said...

my heart broke just reading this sad news and seeing these pictures. I don't know this little boy, but this truly does make me grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

mikensi said...

i picture her brother gavin welcoming baby gavin. i bet brother gavin is happy to have baby gavin there w/ him. but for natalie and richie and their families, it is hard here on this earth life. sooo glad to be a member of the true church to have that knowledge of eternal families!

m.estelle said...

my heart is full of love and grief for this family i do not even know.

this was a beautiful post.


Kimbur said...

Thanks Stef! I really needed that. Your beautiful post really put things back into perspective. I will pray for The Norton family.

LeAnna said...

Oh...sweet Jesus be with this family...

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

you are so right, all those words don't cut it. This post is tight on.

Megan and Keli'i said...

My heart is breaking for them.