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06 January 2010


parts 1 and 2, respectively.


when i think "packed" i think "standing room only". like when i was in NY riding the metro; that was packed. or president hinckley's birthday celebration. the elevator. suitcases. tuna in water.


the kahuku ER didn't seem packed, but what do i know.

i got booted from the bed on wheels and put in a wheelchair with no foot prop thing. i was shaking... maybe trembling is better. whatever, shivering or something from the pain. and i was really cold, too. so the ambulance folks gave me a couple blankets and encouraging shoulder pats and left.

i wanted them back real quick when the ER guy came out, took one look at my pathetic muddy self in the wheelchair and said something like,

"get comfy. it's gonna be a while."

and man, he wasn't kidding.

thank you THANK YOU that the elder's quorum presidency brought us subway sandwiches {us being my hubby and me}. thank you THANK YOU that my old mission companion tanya and her mom were watching my girls back at the house. thank you THANK YOU that the ambulance people {are they called paramedics? yes?} left me 2 blankets, so that i could shiver in one and prop my foot on the other. and thank you THANK YOU for an empty waiting room so i could lay down and sleep.

because it was over 3 hrs. before we got in.

empty waiting room... packed ER... yah, i don't get it either.

the ankle. the right ankle. they poked it. moved it. prodded it. rotated it.

"does this hurt?"
"can you feel this?"
"did you hear a crunch?"
"can you wiggle your toes?"
"ok, well, let's get an xray."

the outer, rear part of my ankle is where the pain is {yes. present tense.} they x-rayed the inside and top.

should i repeat that?
pain: outside. back side.
xray: inside. top side.

and guess what!! no broken bones!!
well, i could've told ya that. the inside and top side of my ankle didn't hurt. so i really didn't imagine anything broke around there.

now i don't know much about xrays. i'm not an xray tech. i'm just the chic with the messed up ankle. but if it were me, i'd actually xray the part of the ankle where the pain was. if it were me. i'm just saying.

"diagnosis: torn ligaments and tendons.
"RICE it: Rest. Ice. Compression. Elevation.
"no walking for 7-10 days {read: crutches}. resume regular activity after 8 weeks."

yahsureokwhatever. just give me some drugs!!

"oh yah, and 800mg of ibuprofren twice a day."

sweet relief.

all that was wednesday. "all that" being parts 1-3.

thursday. oh the hell that was thursday. crutches = no hands. if anyone knows how to be a mother with zero hands, they know something i don't know. breakfast had me in tears and my ankle feeling like someone had shot it with a .45, and of course the girls weren't so happy 'cause mom was crying, and the cheerios were e v e r y w h e r e . hair. toes. ears. floor. windows.

how does that happen?

so then it's more crying, and more food messes that i couldn't clean-up. {did i mention i'm a clean freak? yah, i am.} more pain. more frustration and self-pity.

then nap time came and i wondered how to put gwen in the crib...
easy! i lean against the crib, then put her in... give her her paci, doll, blanket, prayers, etc.
retrieve crutches and leave.

except the part where i forgot to check the the crib was actually pushed against the wall, which it wasn't. so it moved, i moved, and i slammed my foot down to catch myself.

let's all say ouch together.

they're sleeping, i call my friend matthew.
matthew does energy healing.
i can't explain it. don't know much about it. but it works.
he came and checked my foot.

"it's broken. definitely broken."

on the outside, back side part.

to be continued...
{if you want. i mean really, i could just keeping going on and on and on...}


Noelle said...

I'm not saying anything about Kahuku hospital until the end of this story. All I'm saying is that hospital should either close or get all new doctors, techs, and nurses. But that's all I'll say for now. And I totally know what and will forever love energy healing. When my dad was sick that was the only thing that got him to sleep. A lady in our ward would come as often as she could to the hospital and do that for my dad. It was amazing. I'm so sorry you're in pain but I can't wait to hear the rest of your story!

Anonymous said...

in respone to noelle, I WILL.


seriously. the health center even backed me up on that.

aaron went to get an xray once and they didn't even give him the cover thing. NOTHING. and right as they were about to take the xray he said 'uh, can i have something to cover my boys.' cause you know, xray machines can KILL those little swimmers, but no big deal.

and he throws him a GLOVE. A GLOVE people.

gosh. please tell me they redeemed themselves.

stef j. said...

hahahahhaaa!! A GLOVE!?!?!?

yah, they gave me no cover... they just said, "you're not pregnant, right?" then clicked away.


Rhitzclan said...

UNBELIEVEABLE! I'm glad I read this before we even had some emergency that might potentially send us to Kahuku Hospital. Anyhow, Stef! Holy crap! But look at you NOW! A week later you are in good form and teaching piano- you are amazing! And so funny.

rachele and jordan said...

Kahuku is scary! That's why Jordan tried to superglue the cut over his eye himself rather than go there. Too bad it didn't work and we still ended up at Kahuku where they charged us $40 for an ice pack. Anyways..I asked Jordan about the xray and he said you take the xray from the opposite side of the break. He said something about the opposite side gets projected on the image. So at least they did that right, but he did say you must take at least 3 xrays from different angles to get an accurate picture of the area. So, hopefully they did that. Hope you're feeling better and I've heard sprains hurt worse than a break sometimes.

mikensi said...

i have to add my story, of course! well, it's jimmy's story. he broke his toe and he called his doctor brother first. good idea! so, he loaded up on ibu and it wasn't AS painful when the put it back in place. but, the place was infested w/ ants, termites, and crickets. some of the above falling from the ceiling. gross! they didn't give jimmy drugs or anything! glad he didn't need an x-ray for a broken toe, though... wouldn't want to have paid that bill.

mikensi said...

btw, feel well soon!

Kristi said...

Please start writing fiction novels. Please, please, please. Because you have me so enthralled that my dern pizza is burning in the oven now. I can't wait to read the rest of the story and I am SO sorry for your situation. I totally relate to the Cheerios everywhere but you can't get to them and it's making you crazy. I mean why should you care about that right? But I SO WOULD! Anyway, hope you are feeling somewhat better by now...