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22 February 2010

absent, i am

click and read.

or watch it. then click it again, and read. whatever.
(but seriously, it's not everyday you'll see a hasidic Jew singing reggae. just sayin'.)
and of course, case discovered it. as always. cause he rocks my world.

so here's the deal. i haven't blogged in a bit... lots on the mind. so here it is in no particular order, well, maybe in the order of mind space. or mind real estate {confession: for some reason i can't fathom, i had to google "real estate" for the spelling... true story. and that is how frazzled i am.}

... THE LUMP ...
i found a lump.
i'm sure lots of women find lumps.
according to the ultra sound my most significant lump,
the one i went in for,
is 12 cm long.
and is, in fact, not a lump at all.
but an enlarged milk duct.

yes, we're talking about a breast here.

and it's benign. non-cancerous.

that little tid-bit of info. has been all-consuming the past couple weeks.
yes yes, i'm over dramatic.
and was already mentally preparing for a mastectomy. true story.
and i'm meaning absolutely no disrespect to breast cancer and it's survivors.
but really, i was freaked out, and was preparing to be ranked among them.

sorry for those i lied to... i felt like i was lying to everyone that asked
"how are you doing?"
because even the question, that simple, little, typical question would lead to me
biting my tongue
and blinking my eyes profusely.
"don't cry. don't cry. think positive. just say 'i'm great!' and carry on the conversation. just don't cry!!"

the day i found the lump, less than an hour later actually, i ran into my friend ashley at foodland.
our girls weaved themselves in and out of the row of grocery carts
and i blabbed on about something,
anything and everything
just to fill the air space
and make sure i didn't start babbling on about something else
hanging below my collar bone
hanging on my newly exposed fear and worry

or when i was trying to find babysitters to go to the radiology appt. in town
and many i called/texted assumed the appt. was for the ankle
and i just went on letting them assume.
or if they really inquired and i admitted what the appt. was really for,
i downplayed the whole situation like i wasn't really worried.
when in truth i was cutting the conversation short because i didn't want the girls to see me cry
a g a i n .
(seriously so overdramatic... but that's me.)

but again, not cancerous. not even a lump, or fibrocystic breast disease (another idea my doc threw out.) just oddly, suddenly enlarged ducts that hurt a bit {well, a lot, really. and side note: when it comes to diagnosing breast cancer, pain is a good thing. meaning a non-marker for cancer. so if you have a lump and it hurts, it's likely it's NOT cancer. just some FYI.}.

... THE PACI ...
we took gwen off the paci.
so far so goodish.
big 'ISH'.
they had a really strong relationship... BFFs.
it'll take a while.
she's crying a bit right now... woke up and realized her mouth was empty, i'm sure.

i mentioned a bit ago about a little craving i've been having
for another little human.
it has grown from little craving to ravenous thirst.
and as fate/luck/God/callitwhatyouwill would have it... the hubby and i are on the same page.
m i r a c l e .
and it feels right.
but, and it's a big but
we're having some insurance issues right now.
let's just say we've been a bit UNinsured since nov.
and i won't go into the nitty-gritty details
but pregnancy and no insurance just don't mesh well.
so i'm irked,
and my womb is empty
until case's boss can afford to pay premiums,
or we move to canada.
whichever comes first.
{and for those innately sensitive souls who are thinking something along the lines of nov. being a long time ago, and how i broke my ankle, and gwen sprained her wrist, and addi threw a large rock at her head, (read: lots of ER visits. orthopedic surgeon visits. oh, and an ambulance ride.) and i got an ultrasound, etc. on my breasts, and casey had to see a dermatologist, twice, for his eczema, and other common illnesses have likely happened since nov. ... yes, yes they have. they all have. and it's been quite costly.}

... THE HUBBY ...
casey started a new mod.
meaning he's currently modernizing an elevator that's just a tad old.
and tacky.
and probably rickety too.
it's in waikiki at a residential apartment complex with lots of elderly tenants.
tenants who use the elevator everyday.
the only elevator in the complex.
and are somewhat bummed it's down for 6 wks.
so far they're nice. but it's just week 1.
maybe i'll start sending him to work with plates full of cookies.
then everybody will love his guts as much as i do.

casey is good at what he does. i think he's the best. but then again, i think he's the best at everything.

except for mopping. i'm the best at that.
and changing poopy diapers.

we had our valentines date this past saturday.
mostly we ran errands in town without kids.
and watched avatar which, by the way, was enlightening.

and since we watched avatar on a saturday evening, i dreamed about it saturday night.
and then sunday morning at 8am church, our lesson on the millenium seemed right up the alley of
i know i know.
don't worry. i never voiced my avatarian insights to anyone but casey.
{who kindly told me, "you're not gonna share that right? really, don't say that." HAAhahaaahaaHA!}

i think asparagus and broccoli are my favorite vegetables.
and broccoli might win-out just a little because of the whole asparagus-pee thing.
which, i've learned, isn't a universal phenomenon.
so you might have no idea what i'm talking about when i say "asparagus pee".
but if you know,

the music you're assumedly listening to is actually coming to this little island.
this week!
and we're going.
because we NEVER go to concerts, and it's fairly cheap.
i'm pretty pumped.
and i am fascinated with Jewish people. the more faithful the greater the fascination.
so really, it's a double-bonus.

... PROGRESS ...
our garage door comes next week.
it's actually on-island right now!!!!!!!!
but not in our possession.
garage door means we can finally set-up casey's woodshop. YAY!!!!!!
seriously, hugely jubilous shouts of glee.
so much so that i had to pretend jubilous was a word just to describe them.

my ankle is kinda getting better.
i don't really know how to answer when people ask
cause it still hurts
and i'm still supposed to be wearing a walking boot for 2.5 more weeks
and then 6 wks or so of physical therapy after that.
and it's still supposed to be elevated, compressed, iced/heated for as much time as i possibly can.
that one's quite impossible.
blah. the ankle is getting old. i'm so done with it. it's so 2009.

i ordered a new sewing machine since my old one was sew excited about the winter olympics it practiced it's ski jumping skills right off the top of my 5 ft. piano.
epic fail.
so i ordered the same one from
and fingers are crossed that it'll get her soon cause there are LOTS of bdays coming up.
and i was SO close to finishing a dress i designed for addi...

it's late.
and gwen just woke-up again realizing she is, in fact, paci naked.

gosh i love my kids.


mikensi said...

well holy cow, hon! you are good for keeping things in.. right? lol! i'm glad it's not cancerous! great vid, btw! and good to hear all these updates- good luck to gwen on her paci nakedness, as you put it.

Miss Nelson said...

Oh, Stef! I miss you and your randomness! Thank goodness the lump wasn't cancerous! I'll pray for some speedy insurance options for you and Casey. you're such a cute mom!

Noelle said...

LOVE Matisyahu! King Without A Crown is still one of my favorite songs.

I'm SO glad you are healthy in the boobie department, other than the enlarged milk duct of course.

Good luck with Gwen, don't give in! And things will happen when they're supposed to and everything will work out!!

Love you Stef!

Brooke said...

Love ya Girl!!

Meg said...

Oh gosh Stef!!! I'm glad that it's not cancerous! 12 cm!!! That's huge! Like bigger than my whole boob probably.... seriously ;). I don't blame you for being nervous about it, cancer changes your whole life. Don't worry, I'm mentally prepared for a full masectomy as well... if someday. I'm so glad that's not your story. Love you!

liko said...

i'm glad everything is a-ok concerning the "lump", i scared mself silly thinking i was dying when my dentist suggest i get an MRI for an abnoramality in my sinus cavity.

and insurance really sucks. so very expensive - even when it "comes with" the job.

so much to say, and i enjoyed reading every word.

ashley said...

well, well, well i don't even know where to start commenting here. first off, i am glad that you are alright, and i feel bad that when i saw you that day you were having a crappy one and i wish i could have helped. and, i almost went to see matisyahu a few months ago in ca, but my friend forgot to get tickets before they were gone. boo, but fun for you to get to go! and i am happy your ankle is getting better. if you want exercises to do for it, let me know. i have been to therapy for my ankle so many times i can hook you up and it won't cost what therapy does, especially without insurance!

Kristi said...

I'm glad I've also been MIA in blog world otherwise I would have missed your posts! That IS a lot to have on the brain. I'm glad you only have an enlarged milk duct and not the alternative. I would have been just as scared as you and I probably would have cried to anyone who had ears. You make me laugh, I'm glad you posted this. :)

Rhitzclan said...

Wow- I didn't know Matisyahu was going to be here in concert! We like him too- well Ryan a bit more. I ought to tell him... Hang in there girl.

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

saw him live in a concert in Sao Paulo Brazil, it was one of the best concerts ever. you'll love seeing him live oh and please please please watch this video I am loving these kids so much. I think you'll enjoy it.

oh and so glad you're healthy. so happy.

daisy deb said...

sounds like life is good!

.Ang. said...

I'm sorry to hear that you've been going through so much! Glad it's nothing TOOO TOO serious or life changing! (Hooray for pain eh?. Bet you never thought you'd say that!) I'm sorry to hear about all the medical bill trauma! You really should think about moving to Canada!

I think we should change "True North Strong and free" to "Land where you don't have to put a price on your health"

I'm glad to hear that things are on the up and up. and That you and Case are on the same page as far as making a new little human.

Make sure you take care of that Ankle!!!! Do what the Dr. says so it will get better 100% otherwise it will never be the same again! and lets face it.. Ankles are big deals!

I'm excited that you ordered a new sewing machine! Can't wait to see what sorts of projects you whip up!

Hope you enjoy long comments, cause this one is coming at you in 5..4...3....2....1

laninaki said...

So, so, so glad that you're ok! I just saw your comment on my blog and came to stalk you in turn. :) And, ps....we're HUGE fans of Matisyahu.

Jami said...

Geez, I'm glad you're ok! Cutting sister missionaries' hair in this house gives me deja vu and makes me miss you <3

Erin said...

gosh! glad it was only a clogged milk duct! don't scare me so! ugh, i don't look forward to taking B's paci in a few months. let me know how it goes for you! i love the jewish singer. used to listen to him all the time, quite the lyrical man! empty wombs that don't want to be empty are the pits, lately i feel the same way!