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10 February 2010


it seems like there are so many people in my life right now that i'm singing this to...

and there's so much more to say...

but i'll just leave it at that.


Anonymous said...

i love this song.

this is so cheesy, but it really makes me cry. !! ah, i'm such a girl.

Ashley C said...

I also love this song. I saw them in concert twice and I would highly recommend that you do the same. :)

Brooke said...

you ok girl??

daisy deb said...

I love coldplay...and we all love you...

a note from Ty:


a note from Annie:


daisy deb said...

how could I forget, a note from Scott (he likes to use his feet):


stef j. said...

Brooke, you're sweet. I'm good, really! but It seems many people I care about aren't doing so swell. and being the psychologist-type I am, I want to fix them, fix them all. :)

Megan and Keli'i said...

Love this. Love Coldplay, and I've decided that I need to take piano lessons from you...

Brooke said...

I know the feeling...and I am not a psychologist!