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29 December 2010


i love Christmas.

i guess everyone loves Christmas...

we basically started celebrating the second the thanksgiving turkey was tucked away in its tupperware. the tree went up, the Luke story came out... nativities were drawn, all dolls in the house were called Baby Jesus for weeks on end. i even went black friday shopping... first time ever! and it wasn't too bad. i think i jumped on the wagon a little late, though. no all-nighter for me, i just woke-up early and hit up target for some super cool deals.

while deli was having her Christmas party at preschool, gwen and i got together with some friends to build us some gingerbread houses...

gingerbread houses

fast forward to Christmas morning...



friendly faces








then Christmas beach day...


and we had a wild and wonderful Christmas dinner with friends...

it was fun.
and full of food.
and festivities...
so i don't have any pictures.

you'll just have to believe me... it was cool
 and we played "things"...
have you ever played "things"??

it rocks.

and that was our Christmas.

how was yours?


Ashley C said...

I already said this on facebook, but that looks like the coolest Christmas. Love the pictures!

Stephanie said...

Hey I just noticed we have the same blog background. I'm such a copier! Heh heh, sorry.

Anyway- I was just gonna come all the way from google reader to say looks like a magical Christmasy day! Also, I thought of you the other day and your cool style. Guess I must really think so since we picked the same blog background. Same name/same blog background. It's a rule.

And since you asked, our Christmas was great thanks. :)

Stephanie said...

OH! and I really also came over here to say thanks for the curtain tip. Man, I sure did get distracted when I clicked on here and was like, OH YEAH! This is Stef's background. Oops. Ok, thanks. BYE! haha

Meg said...

Thanks for the DELICIOUS Christmas dinner, it was amazing!

Love all the pics, what a perfect day.

Lauren said...

I wasn't sure if I was really seeing Gwen (Or is it Addi?) on a little laptop and sure enough I searched and found it online. Very cool! And great pictures!

ashley said...

power balls.
tee-heee ;)

stef j. said...

steph - oh i just took it as a compliment cause you're a cool cat. but i might've noticed too... haha!! super duper excited for CRAFT NIGHT!!! YAY!!!

meg - thanks for coming! we love y'all!

lauren - yep. target. super cheap actually, i thought. and it's really good for Deli (it's actually her toy, but Gwen stole it for a bit...)

ashley - yes. :)

Diana said...

Stef, you always make me laugh. I love that the girls called all the dolls in the house baby Jesus for weeks. Your christmas looked so fun. Plus those donuts look of the shizzle. Nice work. Also happy new year friend.