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20 January 2010


my life is centered around these 3 humans.
dad the horse

and it's funny to think that 6 years ago, i didn't know any of them.

i didn't know that this boy {who drooled over the same guitar as me, at the store on 54th and Redwood, years before we met} would be the reason 5:30 pm is the best time of day.

casey can do anything. a n y t h i n g .
he fixes cars, builds houses, makes cabinetry and furniture, builds elevators, he can do plumbing, electricity, tried to teach me about eloctromagnetism,

and at the end of the day he can make the best fried chicken ... no exaggeration. and his cinnamon rolls... ohmy. if you've had them, you know.
my forever

hanging gwen

addi... i never knew that such a little person with such a big personality would be my own personal giggle factory and drama queen. she's my mini-mom, always trying to change gwen's diapers {not so good}, and sweeping up messes after meal time {way good}.

this morning before any of us crawled out of bed, before the sun rolled back the blankets of black, she made cookies with baking soda, baking powder, and caramel sauce. she said, "don't eat it mom. it's yucky."

it was.

whenever i give her trail mix, she separates all of the ingredients and eats them one at a time, m&ms first.
trail mix


gweneth owns me. she's my little secret. she's a momma's girl, so when other people babysit her, or even when others are around, she gets all antsy.
but the gwen that snugglies me every morning and night, well constantly, really, that's my gweneth.

she is my happy.

she likes crackers more than apples, and bananas more than pears. she doesn't wake up until after 7. she talks a lot. she loves her paci. and she's obsessed with taking care of her babies {her dolls}. all day everyday we diaper them, feed them, nap them, sing to them, read to them, etc. etc. etc.

her grandpa jorgensen says she's exactly like baby casey... calm. even tempered. peaceful.

these are my people. these are my life. these are my family.


.Ang. said...

I love this post!!!!

L O V E IT!!!

And i love you and your people!!!

Stephanie said...

cute cute cute!

Matti said...

Awe, what a sweet post. ;-)

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

So sweet. so blessed. I've been thinking about choices lately. I have a 17 year old sis in Brazil making really bad choices. I keep telling her that if she made some good choices her life could be so blessed.

seems like you've made lots of god choices.

Anonymous said...

OH MY WORD. i am speechless.
i thought maybe i wanted all
boys but your blonde daughters
are ruining me! thanks a lot.

really, yall are just gorgeous.
and so very, very blessed.

rachele and jordan said...

I can't believe how big the girls are getting. I LOVE Addi's hair. I think she's got the best hair out of any 3 year old I've seen.