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11 January 2010


sometimes i feel like that cheerio.

and it seems like everyone else has their group
of friends
of family
of dependability
of love
of acceptance

but right now i don't feel like that.
i don't feel


right now i feel supported.
cared for.
looked over.

i feel grateful for friends like
rachel b.
tanya s.
vicki c.
isa c.

and i'm sure there's someone else i forgot...
sorry... addi erased my white board AKA memory.

each of these women has helped me with my girlies
or made us dinner
or both
in my pathetic, handicapped state,
{which, as an aside, isn't going so well.}

and without them i'd be pretty dern depressed right now.

so thanks...
for being there for me.

so i won't be the lone cheerio.


Anonymous said...

i should tell you my joke about cherrios. it's AWESOME

i love your little women. send them over anytime! :)
oh, and foot, get better soon!

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

I broke my foot about 2 years ago. I used to work out at the gym and my husband made fun of me, of how I jogged on a treadmill and not outside. So I went jogging outside, on a mountain bike trail at night (dumb, I know) and I broke my foot. I live in the woods in NorCal. My foot hurt so bad but no one was going to find me. Then I was surrounded by deer. It freaked me out so I walked home with my broken foot. When I got home I collaped. My husband never made fun of me again and my foot was broken and wouldn't heal for a long time. The only thing that helped was a chiropractor. seriously, if you have foot problems or any problem go to a chiropractor.

ps. hope your foot heals super quick.

stef j. said...

oh. my. word. damaris.

s e r i o u s l y !!!

yah, i think i want to be a treadmill runner... not that i'm a runner. but i should be. and when i become one, i think it will be via treadmill.

Kerri said...

the lone cherrio is so perfect, that's exactly how i feel 99.9% of the time living in random places like i do. it's rare to really feel like i fit here in VA, the people are great and all, but man am i the outsider no matter what i do to squeeze in here. i'm glad you AREN'T feeling that way, any time away from the feeling is glorious. i hope you recover well. i've been lovin' all your blog postings! keep 'em comin'!

Rhitzclan said...

Oh man Stef... it is so tough when you can't be the mom you want to be b/c of a stupid broken foot, or sickness, or all of the above! I'm so sorry. You are in my prayers.

Erin said...

your poor foot! glad you have women to lean on. i wish i could watch your girls...they are so dang cute! even james says so when he looks at your xmas pic. we all feel like that cheerio sometimes, it's nice to not think we are the crazy only ones that way!