today's 11 o'clock conversation.
location: gwen's doorway, as i'm putting her (gwen) down for a nap.
HER: "case bread. case bread. momma. momma! casey bread!!"
ME: "addi, i don't understand what you're saying."
HER: "casey bread, momma. addi some casey bread!"
ME: "honey, it's gwenner's night-night time, ok."
HER: "no, momma. addi some casey bread! casey-deal-uh, momma! casey-deal-uh!"
ME: "quesadilla?! you want a quesadilla?"
HER: "YEP! addi some quesadilla!"
on another note, we have a nighttime routine. songs and family prayers in gwen's room, then case usually takes add to her room and reads her a story, says a prayer with her, and viola! it's bedtime.
until lately. she's added a step.
right after the second of the two "amens".
"poo poo"
she says it in a scratchy whisper, barely audible. the way you might do a ghoulish voice in a scary story. like in princess bride when buttercup has that dream of the townspeople mocking and scorning her and this old lady is booing her. you remember the old lady, right? she had quite the mole, grey hair, peasant clothes ... anyways, say "poo poo" in her voice. got it?
that's our new nighttime routine.
and no, she doesn't really need to poo poo.
we take her to the john.
she sits:
That conversation is toooo cute!
haha! my husband imitates that old lady from the princess bride and my kids love it! cute! quesedilla. awesome.
and the poopoo deal, kids can just say the darndest things sometimes.
I love Casey-dillas.
I totally know the old lady you are talking about! I Love that movie so much! (And the book of course) AND i TOTALLY love that she is talking more!
conversations with kids are the best thing ever!
HAHAHAHAHA that Addi is a character! Good for Gwen to be using a sippy cup already, Will will hardly touch the things. He's a bottle lover for sure.
that is the darn cutest conversation ever!
that poopoo is just a distraction so she doesn't have to go to bed...if she's anything like kaiya that is.
Crackin me up Steph. I tried my hardest to figure out what she was saying but still ended up needing your translation. Seriously impressed with your toddler-talk skills.
your girls are so cute! Luv the Casy-deal-uh!
Hello Friend!
I'm in the process of forwarding all that Preschool stuff. Do you want to leave me your email and I'll send it your way!
Ahhh... the things I have to look forward to huh?
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