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04 February 2009

teeth and taxes

last night we did our taxes. we use turbotax online. it's free (assuming your taxes aren't complicated) and electronic and fast and we like it. case had two W2s from last year, one from the old boss, one from the new. so we inputted the info. from the first and watched our "expected return" amount tick way on up there. we were giddy! our hearts exultant! should we save it all, put it towards the van or the land, take a snid-bit and get some clothes that aren't from the swapmeet?? 

then we entered the second W2 and flew right on out of that tax bracket. our little expected return ticker ticked right on down ... $3000 down. 

yep.that was a sad moment. 

i started laughing hysterically. well, quietly-hysterically because the girls were sleeping. i don't know what exactly i thought was so funny about our tax return decreasing by nearly $3500 in a single flash ... maybe the irony of barely scratching the surface of the next tax bracket and losing our little piece of recompense from uncle sam. i'm sure that was it.

at any rate, i finally got a pic of gwen's teeth. and that makes it all better.

i promise they're there ... 
break out the magnifying glass. you'll see.


The Price Family said...

I know the feeling of expecting to get more money and then it is taken away. That happened to us last year with our pell grants. We thought we were getting all this money because it was in our school account then the next day it was gone, the school had "made a mistake". so many plans/hopes shot down. Hahaha

P.S. is there something special you do to your pictures when you post? Because I was not able to blow them up to see gwens' teeth and I want to know how to block people from taking my pics from my blog. If you know how let me know. Gracias...

mikensi said...

huh. maybe we should do turbo tax! lol! that is awesome!! yay for the jorgy's! and very cute teeth gwen has :)

Christina said...

That pic is super cute! Sorry about the taxes dropping... that sucks! You sure are organized to get them done already though! In Canada employers have until the end of Feb to send out our equivalent of W-2's and they always seem to wait until then!

ashley said...

turbo tax online is free? free you say? that is great news. thanks.

gwen is so happy. and sorry about those teeth!

Noelle said...

Since we've been married we've never had an uncomplicated filing of taxes so we always have to pay for it. And I know EXACTLY what you mean about being barely in the next tax bracket. That happened to us two years ago and we wanted to ball! After a lot of whining we realized that we should be grateful that at least we didn't have to owe...right? I'm still try to convince myself of that. But Gwen's teeth are so cute and little. It does make it all better!

Melissa said...

gwen reminds me eden in this picture, don't you think?

Melissa said...
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Kristi said...

So here's a story: several years back (it was so long i can't even remember) we used this tax service place here in Dallas that turned out to be bogus...for real, they got shut down, were on the news all this mess, for "fudging" on people's taxes which in turn got the people more money than they should have gotten. So this happened to us, we used them 2 years in a row and then we got a letter stating that we owed the IRS all this money from when we used this tax place. It was so frustrating! We've been owing them ever since. Haven't seen a tax return in so long, I don't even get excited about tax time anymore. I'm sorry about your tax return, that is SOOOOOOO frustrating. And sorry that this comment was so long. :)

.Ang. said...

It was good to see you today!!! Your kids are growing up!!! how about that!

Congrats on the teeth!!! those posts were entertaining (i realized how different highschool is in Canada)

Oh, and I'm still using iphoto for MYphotos! Good ol' iphoto!

Michelle said...

Now you know why I've gotten so involved in politics.