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19 March 2009

there's a FEE for that

i'm pretty fired up right now folks. it all started with an unassuming stop at taco bell this evening. addi asked for "cheese bwito, momma? pweeze??" she's been uber good in casey's absence, so i figured hey, why not. it was less than $5 to feed us all and i pulled out the ol' debit card to foot the bill: denied. 

"try it again," i say with absolute confidence. 

"oh, let me run to the atm." i say, but kind taco bell man insists we sit and enjoy our meal and i can come back and pay. yay for nice people. 

so as the little womens are chomping on their pseudo-mexican edibles, i grab the iphone to inspect the situation. the denied debit card situation, that is. i note a mysterious check for a large amount of money that has indeed sent our account into the unmentionable zone: negative. so, "denied" is now explained, and i'm on a hunt for destination of said check. i know i haven't written a check in this amount. i write two checks a month: rent. car. this was neither. 

'check fraud', i immediately thought. it's happened to me before. ruined my credit at the ripe ol' age of 14. of course it's happening again. the beast check fraud is back to smear our good financial name in the year we want to become home owners. curses! in my mind i shook my fist in the air at the fool who thought i wouldn't be watching my finances and thought they could get away with frauding me. never again! shake shake!

so i tromp to the bank with angst on my brow. i stand in line for eons with an antsy toddler and frustrated near-toddler, eagerly awaiting my turn. it arrives. i stride confidently and with i-am-most-definitely-not-overdrawn-by-any-fault-of-my-own attitude exuding from every pore. 

"there's a check on my account. it's not familiar. will you please inform me who the check was made out to? it wouldn't come up online."

a few clickity click clicks of the keyboard later he says, 
"shadow lakes property owners association." 

"thanks. that's all. bye." 
mission aborted.

yah. remember that land in texas we didn't buy?? well, we did buy. and in early FEBRUARY we paid our association fees, and now, in mid-to-late MARCH they finally hit. no check fraud. 

in our defense, every week we have an automatic transfer from our checking to our savings. our checking bank and our savings bank are not one and the same, so once the money's gone, it's gone. and it goes every tuesday. when we have unexpected expenses, i.e. association fees, we transfer money from savings back to checking to cover. and we did that IN FEBRUARY. now, 6 weeks later, the money for the association fees had in fact been transferred back to savings and forgotten. my bad, i know. i accept my portion of idiocy in this situation. 

so, now to the nitty gritty part that makes me fume. the check, the unexpected, over-a-month-late check is what put us in the red. now for some reason that is not completely understood by me, they continued to allow little purchases to go through. $1 here. $3 there. a gallon of milk from tamuras. an ice cream from McDs. and of course as a result we now have a FEE here. FEE there. FEE for the gallon of milk at tamuras. FEE for the ice cream from McDs. FEE. FEE. FEE. and every fee was $30. so far we've collected 5 fees and i'm expecting 1 or 2 more before all is said and done; do the math. what IRKS me is that without the fees WE WERE ONLY $10 OVER!!!! what is the logic behing FEEing someone who didn't have the money in there in the first place. "oh, no money? well i just think i'll take some more then. mwah ha ha ha ha!!" stupid saddistic people.

i'm not escaping the fault that is mine. yep, i should have looked at the account at least once this week. i didn't. i was a bit busy having zero ME time. but SERIOUSLY PEOPLE, what are you going to do with the freakin' $150 of FEES you just charged me, eh?? cause you sure as spice aren't investing it anywhere worth while or you would offer more than craptastic interest with your savings accounts, and i would have gotten one DESPITE THE STUPID FEES to have some stinkin overdraft protection.

but, since you find it reasonable to charge me a fee for the milk, ice cream, etc., i think i'll start charging you fees. no ink in the pen (or no pen at all) at the fill-out-your-account-info. counter: fee. the line is longer than 5 minutes while one of the tellers stands there doing nothing behind a sign that says 'window closed': fee. you put a hold on our payroll check for no reason: fee. no sucker for the kids: fee. fee, fee, fee right back at ya poo poo heads.

rant . now . done.


liko said...

i'd be pretty darn peeved myself. amen.

.Ang. said...

I totally feel your pain!!

Even if you do check the accounts all the time it can happen. For some reason our account was inflated by 200 bucks(we weren't aware) So we spent money on the basics with the money we thought we had.

After spending 60.00 we come home and check the accounts again. to find out that we are in the red 135.00... Turns out when the 200.00 was taken away we were over by like 6 bucks or something... I was not impressed.

Lindsay Rondo said...

Okay so I had this happen to me as well a few years back. They charged me the fee of $15 or $30 (i don't remember) like thirty times! I didn't think to check my account. So I went into the bank and through a fit for not warning me or stopping the card before all these fees! haha... it was actually pretty funny. I cried and everything.
and it worked! they took them all back.
So maybe observe one of your kid's tantrums and maybe mimic it in the bank on Friday at 5 pm (payday) so you can really make a public scene.

Anonymous said...

oh geez. been there done that. not fun! I did the same as Lindsay, I complained and complained and complained about why my card would keep working if I was already overdrafted, yadda yadda. I was so irritated because a bunch of stuff went through a few days after I made the purchases so even if I had been checking my account I wouldn't have seen them, so I had no idea I was overdrating, does that make sense? So when the BIG credit card bill went through, that's when I overdrafted.

Anyway they took all the fees off except the one for the acutal purchase that overdrew the account. and I was happy with that, after all, it was my fault.

i'm with you. FEE THEM!! take that! or rather, FEE THAT!

Kim's just sayin' said...

totally agree with Lindsay and Erin. This happened after we sold our house and we argued for quite a bit but won in the end. Give them a call, be nice, and if that doesn't work, start the yelling!!!
These days, Banks want to keep good customers so they better take care of you.

Stephanie said...

oh that is so so annoying! we've been there though and boy is it an uncomfortable place to be. i am glad it wasnt someone stealing your identity though- whew!

mikensi said...

well poo! not.. poo as in go poo- but.. dang. that sucks!! good luck.. that has to be touch :(

LittleFamilyJL said...

I second that motion. Fees all around!!!
I'm sorry that this happened....but am grateful for the amusing reading you provided. You are one funny gal. :)

Kreller Kaboodle said...

I feel your frustration! Been through that....If you haven't already talk to the bank and see if they would waive a few of the fees since this is the first time that that has happened.....sorry to hear Stef! That's no fun at all! I know!

Ashley C said...

That is very annoying indeed. I would be just as mad. Although I would not be able to convey that anger in such a funny way. :)

This is what we do... and I know not everyone agrees with it, but its just a thought. We use a credit card for almost every purchase (except our house payment and such), and then we pay off the card each month. That way if you do forget to check your account, its ok because you can't really go over on your credit card. It would just get denied. But if you pay it off each month, you would never get close to going over the credit card limit. Ya know? Unless you spent a ton of money all at once, but you know what I mean. Just a thought.
I feel for you though. I remember this happening to me a few years ago and it is SO FRUSTRATING!

Jami said...

yeah. done that. stupid dirty fees.

Matti said...

Oh that sucks. Read this to my mom. SHe said you should go in and talk to them. (She's had this problem in the past....shhhh.) She's been able to get her bank to cut her fees in half before if you give them a hard time long enough.
Good luck!

rachele and jordan said...

OK I'll admit it.. this has happened to us too. When we first got married we consolidated our checking accounts. We didn't close the other one though cause we were waiting for a last tiny paycheck to get deposited..well somebody forgot which debit card to use and was using the one with no money in it (it surprisingly wasn't me.)So we racked up lots of fees, but after complaining and saying we had never done it before they took off the majority of the fees. By the way that is the car seat we got. Do you like it?

rachele and jordan said...

Oh, and I'm still confused about the land that was bought then wasn't and now seems like it was. So you did buy it...or didn't mean to buy it...I have know idea what's going on...

Erin said...

that makes me soooo mad when that happens. one company i complained to about taking over 3 weeks to put a credit transaction through and they refunded me the overdraft fee cause i said when its credit you have to put it through asap! cause we have the same savings thing you guys do. you should try to talk to them! what fees and such just rip you off!