i have an idea... let's have a holiday for every color!
because the world is a happier place when everyone's all matchy matchy
don't you think?
for our st. patti's (yes yes, i'm just now posting about a holiday that was nearly two weeks ago...)
we had a little soiree with our little friends
and ate lots of little green foods
and painted little faces
and it rained a little
gwen went through 2 outfits because she likes to saturate herself from head hair to toe hair with gallons upon gallons of water.
and yes. these are the best pics i could get of add.
holy crazy that woman is fast...
we painted.
green is beautiful.
green is happy.
next, lets have a pale teal day!!?!
invite me to the next one and we're sooo there!!! looks like a fun time - as usual!
hahaha...sounds fun! Let's do it.
What fun! Glad you had a fun green day. Wish I could have been there
let me know when it's red day and I'll host a tangent party in NorCal
That looks like a lot of fun.
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