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30 March 2009

i've got sunshine on a cloudy day

today i woke up sick. ok, well, i went to bed sick too, so it wasn't a huge shocker.  i called case a dozen times trying to convince him to come home and watch the womens so i could sleep. blah blah blah, it didn't work, so i made us some oats and put gwen down for her morning nap and i slept on the couch ... for nearly 2 hours. i really don't know what addi was doing during that time. i found some cave art a little later on, i think she ate herself a yogurt, and her blocks were out too. she seriously knows how to entertain herself and that's a HUGE blessing. 

after nap time we somehow ended up outside and i ran into echo's parents. her mom is awesome and it brightened my day to talk to a successful mother who's on the other end of the parenting scope. she gave me some much needed words about my addi's temperment and just smiled a contented smile. and i loved how fit and wonderful she and her hubby looked ... definitely role models for us young peoples.

then i chatted with my neighbor and we decided to head to the beach after lunch. i was stirring the mac'n'cheese when there was knock at the door. i really don't get many knocks, and i kind of know the knocks of my neighbors, so i immediately thought, "oh, case must have ordered something. UPS guy. i wonder what he got ..." so you can imagine my shock-and-awe when it was not a man in brown but this woman:

     she is ang t. 

she's one of my favorite people on this little green-and-blue place called earth. she's a musician, crafter, photographer, and mom extraordinaire ... one of those people who is a real person. does that make sense? no? well, anyways she and her adorable kiddos hung out for a while and it made my day. i loved that she thought of us and stopped to say hi. addi and i were in heaven having big girls to play with.

then off to the beach with the neighbor. it was freezing and windy and high tide, so not exactly good beach conditions, but my women just don't care. the beach is like some euphoric land of happiness where nothing goes wrong and your bread always lands peanut-butter-side up to them. so we played a full hour until gwen starting looking like a smurf.

now they're sleeping and i'm remembering that i'm sick, but i made it through the day because of my little sunshine morsels.

onward and upward!
* photo credit: the woman herself, ang t.


mikensi said...

awesome! yay for your sunshine morsels! what a good day!

LittleFamilyJL said...

What a fun day! I hope you're feeling better. And what an amazing picture through the peep hole! Love it.

Erin said...

she is one of my most favoritest people also! Hope you are feeling better now, that is so great that Addi can entertain herself for 2 hours...i can't wait for that day!

Christina said...

I hope you're feeling better soon!

.Ang. said...

I'm so glad we stopped by too!! we had fun!

and i think it's super important for us moms to talk and get to know one another better while the kids play!!

Thanks Stef!

Kristi said...

Isn't it amazing how as mommies we can totally forget our issues (maybe not forget but just tuck them away) for a while so that we can take care of business? And then when the day is through, you are reminded, holy heck I feel like trash! I thank Heavenly Father for that 'mom quality'.

My kids can entertain themselves really well too, which might not be a great thing because I've taken advantage of it too many times! But sometimes you're just tired!